Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Time to Get Healthy: My Weight Loss Journey since March...

In the beginning of March 2016 I decided I was sick of having trouble breathing, high blood pressure and feeling fatigued all the time. It was time to take off some baggage, in the form of FAT! But HOW would I do it this time in a way that was pretty much fail-proof. Enter INTERMITTENT FASTING! What did this mean to me? It meant NEVER AGAIN would I have to tell myself NO to ANY foods while I was in my "eating window" of 6-8 hours! It meant if I wanted to wake up and eat a few cookies, I could. If I wanted to eat at McDonalds, no problem, if I wanted to have pudding or an ice cream sundae or french fries, NOTHING WAS STOPPING ME! I have always HATED BEING TOLD "NO" or "YOU CAN'T" or "THAT IS FORBIDDEN!" It just makes me rise up on the inside and shout "WATCH ME!!!" Well, with I.F. as it's called by us followers and users. Shorter than Intermittent Fasting but means the same. So, basically, the program is SUPER SIMPLE to understand and to follow. I eat for 6-8 hours...whatever the flip I WANT TO EAT, and then I have a stopping point at which I begin NOT EATING...or "fasting" I do this fast until it's timme for my next day's eating hours to start up again for 6-8 hours. How has this worked for me? Well, from size 20 pants down to size 18 in 5 months...and 214 lbs down to 187 lbs currently in 17 lbs GONE GONE GONE ...easily, literally EATING WHAT I WANT!!! So now, I will keep doing what I've been doing and work toward each of my mini-goals till I get to my Ultimate Goal of 110 lbs or maybe 120 or 130, depending on what is the healthiest for me by next year. Point is, I'm doing it. It's working. It's not hard. It's not drudgery or something I dread or something that makes me feel super hungry all the
time. I FEEL GREAT while doing this and I"m so thankful for Intermittent Fasting. These photos tell the story of my journey so far...can't wait to post even thinner ones as I drop down toward my goals. In the picture with me holding all those bottles. Those bottles were the weight of the extra lbs I was carrying on my body at that time. So, that's my story up to this point. I will update on my birthday, August 24th, at which point I hope to be around 193 lbs! I have little mini goals set or important dates of each month. I will be 50 years old Aug 24th so I figured that would be a great time to have goal marker. Stay tuned...